Salvation Hut

29 July, 2023

Fun overnighter in the southern Kaimai trying a spicy route in the weekend just gone. We started at 3pm on Saturday at the Blade carpark at the end of Whakamarama Rd. We walked around 5km up the Ngamarama track to Wednesday Falls where we bivvied for the night. The track was in a great, dry condition which made for good travel. It was a clear cold night lit by the moon. On Sunday we continued up the Ngamarama track to the NS track junction where we turned south to Te Whare Okioki. We made it to the hut after about 1.5hrs and it was around 10am as we arrived. After a short break, we carried on south past the hut for a couple hundred meters before turning east off the track and down a stream towards Salvation Hut. The going was good in sections with walking speeds of up to 3km/h despite other sections being pretty thick. Overall, some of the best bushwhacking in the Kaimai so far. We reached Salvation Hut around 1pm and joined the ribboned track out to Leyland O'Brien and then back to the Blade.

Great trip overall. Nice to get out in some unfamiliar bush.