10 Days in the Kaweka's

29 November, 2023

We started day 1 at 6am at home in Tauranga. The pre-adventure nerves were in full effect. It was a pretty silent drive down to Clements Mill Rd around 30min out of Taupo...

Round the Mountain 2.0

22 September, 2023

Ever since the last trip around Mt Ruapehu in December 2022, I have been keen to walk the track a second time. This time we took on the 63km route towards the end of winter meaning that it is significantly more dangerous...

Salvation Hut

29 July, 2023

We started at 3pm on Saturday at the Blade carpark at the end of Whakamarama Rd. We walked around 5km up the Ngamarama track to Wednesday Falls where we bivvied for the night...

Northern Kaimai Adventure

5 July, 2023

On Wednesday our group of 5 guys aged 14-16 went out on an awesome mission to conquer a circuit I'd eyed up a couple weeks before while just casually staring at the topo. (something I'm known for...) The loop was pretty meaty at 28km made up of a 1km bushwhack and 10km of track...

Te Hanga Traverse

5 June, 2023

Last weekend was a trip to remember. We got dropped off on Sunday morning around 9.20am at Aongatete Lodge. From here we walked 5.5hrs to Kaurititahi Hut where we would embark on the beef of the journey, Te Hanga Ridge. It was only 4.6km to Puketutu Hut and looking back, we were going in blind...

"It's just over this ridge..."

4 December, 2022

The Tongariro Northern Circuit and Round the Mountain track are two walks that had been on my to-do list for well over a year. In May of 2022, I sketched up a 90km route that would incorporate both tracks in a 90km loop. Months late in mid-November, we were well into preparation for the 6-day trek through...

31km in a Day

28 September, 2022

On Saturday last week Bryn and I set off from the end of Thompsons Rd to climb up to Motutapere Hut via Mt Eliza. This was the exact same hike up as day 1 with Sam other than the fact that the weather was a billion times better...

Kaimai's with Sam 

12 June, 2022

We started in Fridays torrential rain climbing Mt Eliza on the BOP side of the ranges. We then traversed along for another hour to Motutapere hut where we stayed the night...